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Lifes Seasons Celebrancy

Lifes Seasons

Lifes Seasons
Other Services
The miracle of life is this: the more we share the more we have.
Leonard Nemoy

There are many other services that I, as a Celebrant, can offer.
These include:
Interment Services - After you have collected the ashes, many people are at a loss as to what to do next. I can help be working with you to decide what you feel would be a fitting final resting place and help with a short service whilst we give your loved one their final resting place.
Remembrance Ceremonies - There is a definite comfort in coming together with others to remember someone. I can help plan a personalised, creative event at a location that holds special meaning to you. The ceremony can, if you wish, reflect spiritual beliefs and can be tailored to suit the sensibilities of both the person who has passed and family and friends. Working together the possibilities for a meaningful remembrance event are endless.
Pet Funeral Ceremonies - Just as we are happy when a new animal companion is welcomed into the family, we also mourn and grieve when we lose an animal who's been a big part of our lives. The pain is felt and a special time of mourning can be accompanied by a Pet Memorial or Pet Funeral.

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